I love finding new good oyster farms, and am looking forward to getting my first shipment from Lynnhaven River Oysters.
"Fresh, outstandingly good, live oysters from the Lynnhaven River Estuary of the Chesapeake Bay".How could I resist ordering after reading their ad copy from their website:
www.seasidequalityseafood.com. Tell me if this doesn't just make your mouth water:
"Salty and with that wonderful fresh ocean taste - directly from the boat to your home.
World Famous - The Favorite of Presidents and Royalty
The unique environment of the Lynnhaven River Estuary produces oysters that have been acclaimed around the world for their wonderfully salty taste of the ocean. The taste of oysters is highly dependent on their living conditions. They prefer a mix of fresh water and seawater and tolerate a range of saltiness (salinity). Generally the saltier the water (up to the limit in which oysters thrive) the better the taste of the oysters. Because our oysters live at the very southern end of the Chesapeake Bay where it meets the ocean the water has that desirable high salinity and ideal conditions exist for producing the best tasting oysters you can find".
My shipment is on it's way.. and I will post whether they live up to the hype or not. Mmmmm. In fact, I will try a new oyster recipe with these and post it on
http://oysterrecipes.blogspot.com -
be sure to check it out!Here is an earlier post made on this blog:
Lynnhaven Oysters Make a Comeback: Here is the obvious sign of this comeback!!!
Read the post here:http://oysterloversparadise.blogspot.com/2008/07/lynnhaven-oysters-make-comeback.htmlCheck back for the review...